Teaching children with Varwin Education is easy!

You can help prepare your students for the innovative careers of the future while using some of the most fascinating and interactive technologies available in the modern world.

Varwin Education is ready for classroom use in as little as 15 minutes
Equipment requirements are minimal for classroom learning
Successfully tested by the NTI Center in AR/VR

Varwin | Virtual Reality App Development Company And Service / Varwin Education | 3D/VR/AR Education Software / Varwin Education for teachers

Who will love Varwin Education?

  • Innovative teachers in search of new learning ideas;
  • Teachers interested in offering engaging activities and projects "outside the box";
  • IT teachers and tutors;
  • Programming teachers and institutions.


Use Varwin Education in the classroom

You can study other subjects together with computer science on Varwin Education! Create interactive classes for any subject. 

Life safety
Biology & Ecology

Varwin Education is a tool for teachers

  • Use 3D/VR/AR technologies to fully immerse students in the subjects they are studying.
  • New approaches help students learn programming as well as critical thinking and project management.
  • Children are invited to actively participate in their own learning processes.
  • Create and collaborate with other students, teachers, and disciplines to encourage interdisciplinary learning.

Varwin Education from teacher to students:


The teacher imagines a 3D/VR/AR project.


Details about the project are formed
into what are called the Terms of Reference
(or ToR for short).


The teacher organizes a team of students
to begin working on the project.


The student team develops the 3D/VR/AR project while learning both the subject matter content and the programming skills necessary to develop it.


The teacher can then use this 3D/VR/AR project
in class with other students. The completed project can serve as both a learning tool
for the subject being covered, as well
as an example for future 3D/VR/AR projects.

Download a sample of Varwin Education didactic materials to help teachers understand and organize the VR learning process.
Download a sample of Varwin Education didactic materials to help teachers understand and organize the VR learning process.

See VR projects made by teachers & kids on Varwin Education

Feedback of teachers on Varwin Education

Why teachers may want to use VR technology? First of all, it helps them to get attention from the class and increase a level of respect from their students. To learn more about reasons to use VR in school education, watch this video.

Join a free master class for teachers! What benefits you can gain from a free master class:
  • Learn to integrate virtual reality into the educational process;
  • Assemble your first project with the Varwin Education platform;
  • Get info about refresher courses and continuing education;
  • Get ALL of your questions answered.

Varwin Education pricing plans

Varwin Starter
Lifetime license
Get to know VR and how it works
All opportunities
for 1, 2, 4 years
Full platform functionality forever
Visual 3D Editor & Blockly Logic Editor
300+ objects and scenes, access to ready-made packages
Teacher Guides (covering 72 hours of classes and hands-on training)
Possibility to create VR-applications in .exe
System Updates (including new objects and scenes)
Extended training
from 5 subscriptions for free
from 5 licenses for free
Additional discount
-25% for purchasing 32+ subscriptions
-25% for purchasing 32+ licenses
1 year — $499,99*
2 years — $695,99*
4 years — $999,99*
* The price is indicated for 1 workplace without VAT when purchasing from 32 licenses for an educational institution.