Quantorium Technopark & Varwin Education platform: VR training during pandemic

Varwin Education recently teamed up with Quantorium, a technopark outfitted with high-tech equipment for kids. Quantorium was interested in finding ways for students to work remotely on complex projects and curious if students could stay motivated enough to complete a three-week task.

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About Quantorium

Varwin Education recently teamed up with Quantorium, a technopark outfitted with high-tech equipment for kids. Quantorium was interested in finding ways for students to work remotely on complex projects and curious if students could stay motivated enough to complete a three-week task. The Varwin team wanted feedback from young developers on how well the platform and its tools worked. Together, Quantorium and Varwin set out on a virtual reality learning adventure. Students developed ten VR applications on the Varwin platform. This was made simple because Varwin Education includes packages of pre-built scene templates and 3D educational models designed for different subjects like anatomy, biology, and astronomy. 

Project phases

  1. Getting teachers familiar with the Varwin Education platform and education packages, and building a couple of projects in a test mode.
  2. Creating a list of project ideas to get students on the right track.

  3. Writing down guidelines for both mentors and kids, setting tasks and deadlines, and scheduling meetings for discussion. It was necessary to consider that meetings can be time-consuming: two meetings a week may take 2-3 hours.

  4. And most importantly Teaching kids to work on the Varwin Education platform. As soon as the students were comfortable with the platform, they started generating new ideas together.

«The mentor presents possible projects to their team of kids and comes up with new ideas and solutions. When kids get excited the only thing a teacher should do is to channel their motivation in the right direction and help them stay focused,» said Vladislav Lobanovsky, mentor of VR / AR Quantum, a former teacher of additional education for children and adults from Novgorodsky Quantorium».


Key results

The boot camp was held online, and an amazing 9 out of 10 children finished their projects. They created full-fledged VR games with well-thought-out plots and characters. Among them were space quests, games where you had to find a mythical creature in a laboratory, and medieval adventures.

During project presentations, teachers realized that it is possible to organize an online event that brings massive academic and pedagogical value. Additionally, during the pandemic, it energized the teams of kids. They had a very positive and fun experience socializing online around educational subjects.

Participants provided great feedback and many noted that Varwin's intuitive object management didn’t require any special skills or prerequisites. They commented that it was a convenient tool for creating amazing VR projects. Blockly programming allowed participants to implement all of the necessary logic into a project, while the Varwin packages of ready-made models simplified the working process..

«We realized that Varwin is well suited for distance learning. It is easy to implement in an educational facility. More importantly, it turned out that children learn quicker with the help of interactive platforms, and this also provided some useful feedback: we have already made 21 updates that improve the platform’s performance!», said Petr Pakhomov, the platform’s Product Manager.


TOP 4 kids projects: Space Travel

This project combines several different locations: Space, Earth, the Moon, and Mars. You start on planet Earth, get on a rocket, and go to space to collect samples from meteorites. In space, you arrive at the main control center from which you can move to other locations. There is a model of our solar system on a scale of 1:100, and when you want to move to one of the locations, you simply take a ship.

On the Moon and Mars, you will find several quests involving a controllable Moon Buggy and Mars Rover, and you must complete the quests in order to leave. Obtaining resources and converting them into fuel for the ship is one such challenge.


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The Lab

This project was created as a story-driven role-playing game. The player finds herself in a dark laboratory where mythical creatures are born. Something goes wrong and one of the creatures escapes from a test tube, putting all of humanity in danger. 

The main character’s task is to find this creature in the laboratory within a certain amount of time. If she does not find it, the creature grows larger until it eventually destroys the world. Tasks include learning about the creature from a letter, discovering a key to unlock new spaces, finding the creature, and finally restoring the creature to safety.

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Valuable Item

The idea of ​​this project was to create a medieval adventure quest game. As a knight, the player needs to help Prince Leonard find his lost rapier - a precious item given to him by his father, the King.

The player must find the cave with the rapier and return it to Leonard to receive the valuable prize — a trunk full of coins.

Relic Hunt

This project was built as a game where the player searches for and finds various objects.

In Relic Hunt, the player acts as a salesman, selling things to different mythical creatures and searching for components to fill their orders. It is a multi-level quest game with time limits and the goal of filling as many orders as possible in one game session.

Help kids all over the world create awesome VR projects with Varwin Education! Contact our team for more details.

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VR projects created on Varwin Education