Freshman student organized a VR workshop in Innopolis

Students can learn the basics of programming while creating amazing projects in virtual reality. University freshman Alexander Strizhnev demonstrates how easy it is to organize such an event.

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Alexander is an 18-year-old freshman at Innopolis University specializing in "Informatics and Computer Engineering." Back when he was a senior in high school, Alexander had taken part in a project with the Innopolis University where he first became acquainted with the Varwin Education platform. At that time, he had the idea to conduct workshops that would give more young students the opportunity to become acquainted with virtual reality. And it was time to make that idea a reality.


Find an equipped classroom.
Involve interested students.
Obtain access to a training and editing tool from the Varwin Education platform.


The university provided an equipped classroom and participants were invited
To launch Varwin Education, a PC with Windows 10 or higher is required, but VR headsets are not necessary. Participants can work effectively with Varwin Education to create 3D models that capture our attention and engage students in the learning process.
And if there are VR helmets or headsets, things get even more interesting for the students! Alexander contacted the Department of Events at the University of Innopolis. They supported his initiative and began organizing the workshop.
Licensing for the Varwin platform was obtained
Alexander contacted Varwin directly to get access. He wrote to Alexander Pikulev, head of the Education Department, and shared his idea. Varwin is always happy to support such initiatives and the promotion of VR technologies among children. We responded immediately by providing the licenses necessary for full-fledged work with the designing tool.

Preparing the VR program for the Workshop:

Alexander wrote the first version of the program in only a few hours. The platform is so convenient that even a person with little experience in IT will quickly figure it out on their own.
Workshop Program:
A few words about VR technology and its history
Unloading experienced educators
Introductory words about Blockly, the visual programming editor
Creating a simple application (button, light, display) online
Participants work individually under the supervision of a teacher
Presentation of finished projects

Conducting a VR workshop

Theme: «Brewing»
Alexander and his partner Artur Eremov prepared a set of unique objects and scenes for the students to implement. The children worked in teams, and each student chose their desired role. Some children worked on the technical implementation in the Varwin XRMS designing tool. Others became designers thinking about how the different levels would look and how the interactions would appear to the user. And some students showed leadership qualities by becoming project managers and keeping their teams on track.

More VR projects made on Varwin Education